Starting a Podcast for Your Business
There are numerous ways to use content to engage with prospective customers. A good inbound marketing strategy employs a variety of formats and mediums.
Writing can be a strong tool for communicating your message, but it is not the only one. When looking for information, most people have short attention spans, and reading long-form content is not advisable. This makes podcasts so popular and a strong tool to engage your audience. If your podcast is well optimized, you're on your way to stardom.
You might wonder why?
More people are turning to podcasts than ever, and just as blogging became something that every company needed to do, podcasting is following suit. To highlight this, in 2013, about 10% of the U.S. population listened to podcasts regularly. That figure has tripled, and in 2021, more than a third of the population listens to podcasts.
So, what exactly is a podcast?"
Defining Podcasts
A podcast is an online audio series. It can be divided into episodes and seasons, just like a TV or radio show. Listeners can subscribe to individual podcasts, download episodes as they become available, and listen to them whenever and wherever convenient. All you need is a computer or smartphone.
Before talking about how to create a podcast, and the best podcast to start with, consider the advantages of podcasting for your business.
Wat are the Advantages of Podcasting?
It's convenient
With podcasting, you don't have to worry about your audience being too busy to listen. One fantastic advantage of podcasting is that listeners may download episodes and listen to them whenever they want. Listeners can listen while driving, working, or relaxing.
If people subscribe to your podcast feed, new episodes will be downloaded instantly to their devices whenever you release a new one. It's a lot faster than searching online and choosing from the numerous options on their screens.
They're entertaining
With so much information accessible online, it's easy for your audience to get overwhelmed. There is a lot of textual content on the internet, so audio information is a great contrast. It also permits you to deliver your message participatory, which is a limitation of the written medium.
They help with brand recognition
The beautiful thing about podcasting is that the level of branding and marketing can be quite discreet. Your logo will appear in the artwork or, if you're creating a video podcast, you'll probably mention your company name in the intro and outro as well.
How to Begin a Podcast for Your Business
1. Determine your topic, theme, and audience.
The first step is to decide on a theme for your podcast. You must pick a happy medium between a topic broad enough to allow you to investigate numerous aspects and a topic small enough to attract an audience with that specific interest.
If your business is underserved in the podcast space, there are undoubtedly listeners out there eager for information and actively looking for fresh content. Find a niche you can speak in informal and catchy language for lengthy durations.
2. Select a name for your podcast.
There are a few methods you can employ to find an appropriate name for your podcast. One, you can create a self-explanatory descriptive title. Another is to come up with something clever and catchy, but make sure it relates clearly to your niche. The name must be easily recognized when listeners are looking for your topic.
Avoid putting your name into the title, no matter how tempting. This is advisable only if you already have a lot of name recognition within your target audience.
Regardless of the format you like, what matters most is that you pick one that will available during research.
3. Outline your style and podcast length.
A brief topic outline may be useful, but good podcasters do not employ scripts because they result in stilted language that does not resonate with listeners. Podcasts that sound like advertisements or mimic college lectures will also fall flat.
The most effective podcasts deliver focused content in a conversational, catchy approach. Talk about what you know, using the same words and tone you would use while conversing with a good friend.
After you've decided on a style, you'll need to consider two other factors: duration and frequency.
Length and Frequency
There are eight-minute podcasts that appeal to a specific type of listener and two-hour podcasts that provide an in-depth discussion of a specific issue β standards do not exist. Again, your theme and topic will determine this.
The podcast's goal is to interact with listeners and establish a community over time. People will take the time to listen to what you have to say, so make it worth their while.
Your content determines the frequency with which you release new episodes. However, if you're attempting to develop a brand or acquire traction with a following, consider releasing an episode every week.
4. Obtain the proper equipment.
To record a podcast, you don't need expensive equipment. All you need is a laptop, audio recording and editing software, and a good microphone to record audio.
Using a low-quality microphone may result in a lack of audio crispness and clarity, branding your podcast as amateurish. Look for a USB microphone that can be plugged into your computer's USB port. Do not utilize your computer's built-in microphone.
Some mics are available for less than $120, but if you're serious about podcasting, you'll want to get a better one. Make sure you have extra microphones in the event of hosting numerous guests.
Consider getting a pop filter to mask or lessen the clicking and smacking sounds that people generate when speaking regularly into a microphone. Also, you should record audio in a peaceful location away from automobiles and nature noisesβsome podcasters record in empty rooms, where the carpets and curtains attenuate ambient noise.
Recording and Editing
To make your podcast, you'll need audio editing software.
5. Publishing
You're ready to share your podcast with the world now that you've identified your style and audience, and your interviews have been conducted and recorded with quality equipment. Before publishing, however, you need to incorporate the following features into your podcast.
Voice-overs are short intros that announce each podcast episode and the host(s) at the start of the show and are generally accompanied by music. At the end of the podcast episode, the outros thank the listeners and direct them to your website. You can record them yourself or hire a voice-over specialist.
Podcast intros and outros bring individuality and professionalism. They can be innovative and entertaining and, most importantly, should provide a positive first impression. They should reassure listeners that they made the correct decision in selecting your podcast and that you will not disappoint.
You want music in your opening and outro that fits the personality of your show. However, using copyright-protected music without permission is a serious offense that can get you banned from your preferred streaming service.
One cost-effective alternative is to ask a singer friend or DJ if you can use a clip from one of their existing songs. This collaboration provides you with original music while also giving the artist some visibility.
Album Cover
Your first opportunity to establish a powerful visual brand is with podcast artwork, as this is the first thing they see when they encounter your podcast. Your artwork should visually communicate the theme of your podcast, including your logo (if you have one), and utilize simple typefaces and high-quality photos. Keep in mind that your listeners will see the image in a much smaller format, so maintain picture quality.
6. Launch and promote your podcast.
To generate hype, have multiple episodes completed and posted before launch day. As part of your marketing strategy, announce the launch in advance to your business network via email and social media, releasing sneak peeks in audio and video format. You want to establish an audience before your debut. Encourage new listeners to subscribe to your podcast and give reviews to increase your chances of being recognized.
SEO is very important for consumers looking for your podcast. Your podcast should have useful keywords that can help a potential listener get access to it easily. Make sure the descriptive box houses SEO-laden content so that listeners can find your podcast after a few minutes of searching.
Also, be open and willing to learn about your listeners' requirements based on how they respond to your content. They are the consumers, so use their input.
Podcasts can increase your degree of competence in an area, which you can then use to increase visibility. They can also make you more relevant; they give people a cause to talk about you. If you want more followers for your business, a podcast is one way to do that. Get started today!